A downloadable Sandbox

Only windows i supported, sorry.

How to Play

If you are new, you have to press the new game button, and you can start playing.

If you want to continue your game later, make sure to save the game.

However, you can also press the continue button to continue your last game.

If you also want to restart the game, you can press the new game button again.


"Left Mouse Click" to place a tile

"Right Mouse Click" to remove a tile.

"I Key" (will maybe become "E Key" in the future) to open the inventory.

"F2" to save the game.

"F5" to go back to the main menu.


Sandbox Prime.zip 49 MB
game-windows.exe 36 MB

Install instructions

Sorry but only windows is supported!

.exe File: Just double click on it and play!

.zip File (runs better): Right click on it, press "Extract",  click on the unzipped file named "Sandbox Prime", scroll down, click on the .exe file, and play!

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